
New study: does a calorie restriction keep you young?

Scientific research suggests that calorie restriction extends the lifespan. However, these results have so far only been shown in animal experiments. If you feed z. For example, rats have 10-40% fewer calories but all essential nutrients, so many animals have a longer life span and a lower rate of chronic diseases (e.g. cancer). However, this observation cannot be confirmed by all studies and so far no statements can be made about us humans.

A current US American study by the National Institutes of Health now showed what positive effects a reduced calorie intake has on human health. Although this does not prove that a reduced caloric intake extends life, it could provide an initial indication and help prevent chronic diseases.

What did the study examine?

Study participants were healthy, slim to slightly overweight (BMI 22.0 – 27.9 kg / m 2 ) women and middle-aged men (21-50 years of age ). The subjects were divided into two groups. The first group (143 participants) should reduce their calorie intake by 25% . There was no limit to the choice of food. The placebo group could eat as much as they wanted. Over a period of two years, cardiometabolic risk factors – for example blood pressure, highly sensitive C-reactive protein (a marker for inflammation) as well as blood fat and blood sugar levels – were measured at regular intervals.


How many calories should you have? save?

Although the test subjects were asked to restrict their calorie intake by 25%, it was found that on average only a calorie restriction of 11.9% was achieved. This corresponds to about 300 kcal . So many of the participants did not manage to save the amount of 25% in everyday life. Nevertheless, they benefit in terms of health: The calorie restriction caused a sustained and significant reduction in all measured cardiometabolic risk factors. In addition to the cholesterol / HDL quotient, LDL cholesterol and blood pressure also decreased. In addition, there was a significant improvement in C-reactive protein and insulin sensitivity. The placebo group without calorie restriction, on the other hand, had no improvement in their baseline values.

William Kraus, study director of the randomized placebo-controlled study, was surprised by the magnitude of the change: “Even a combination of five drugs would not cause such a change.”

Calorie restriction: Conclusion of the study

The results suggest that a moderate calorie reduction in healthy young and middle-aged people is a significant benefit for the cardiovascular health . Whether it can actually prolong life requires further research.

How you can shed the kilos with a plant-based diet can be found in our Weight loss coaching .

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